
Start of Possession

1 (Run Right)
4 (Run Right)
2/23 (QB Boot Run/Pass )
8 (Run Right)
1 (Run Right)
5 (QB Keep Left Z Option)
7 (Z Slant H/F Out)

First Down

21 (Sweep Left)
22 (Fake Sweep Left QB Right)
14 (Fake Dive Pitch Right)
18 (Fake Right QB Keep Left)
17 (Run Right)
19/23 (Fake Right QB Roll Out)
2/16 (Fake QB Roll Out)
6 (Run Right)
7 (Z Slant H/F Out)
13 (Fake Right - QB Left)
3 (Z Double Pass)
4 (Run Right)
10/9 (Fake Right - QB Roll Out Left)
11 (Run Right)
12/16 (Run Fake - QB Roll Out)

4th Down

15 (Run Left)
20 (Run Right)
7 (Z Slant H/F Out) **PASS
10 (Fake Right - Deep Left) Harrison ONLY***
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